

Beautinow, a specialized perfume e-commerce platform, needed help to maintain a steady stream of sales and was struggling with a decline in revenue. Their marketing efforts were not yielding the desired results and needed to be revamped to effectively attract and retain customers.


  • The platform had marketing issues due to inefficient ad management, limited budgets, and low search visibility. They had to reverse the trend while maintaining a 3x Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) and driving revenue.


  • Enhanced Website Experience:We simplified the customer journey on the website to improve accessibility and conversion rates.

  • Optimized Product Feeds:We increased the scalability of Shopping and Pmax campaigns for better performance and higher conversion rates.

  • Streamlined Campaign Structure:We refined campaign structuring so we could allocate advertising budgets more efficiently, ensuring that each campaign reached its target audience without redundancy.

  • Vernacular Ads:To target diverse European markets better, we utilized vernacular ads with localized content to resonate with different cultural nuances and build stronger connections with our audience.

  • Platform Expansion:We expanded our scope to include platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, and Pinterest so we could reach a broader audience and generate more website traffic.

  • Retention Strategy:We introduced referral offers to increase customer retention. This helped us build customer loyalty and attract new customers at a lower acquisition cost.

  • Catalogue Campaigns:We launched campaigns focused on upselling and cross-selling to increase order value and drive additional revenue.

  • Marketing Automation Utilization:We leveraged marketing automation platforms for effective customer engagement by creating more personalized content, tracking customer behavior, and managing customer relationships more efficiently.


Our successful efforts yielded a remarkable 25x increase in monthly website revenues within a year and a 200% improvement in return on advertising spends.

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