
Digitally Transformed a leading manufacturing company

ESL Steel Limited, a greenfield, integrated steel plant, offers a diverse product range, including pig iron, billets, TMT bars, wire rods, and ductile iron pipes. While its manufacturing facility adheres to the highest ecological standards, the company faced challenges with its website design and underlying technology.


  • Outdated website design that failed to meet modern web standards, lacking in visual appeal and user engagement.


  • Redesign the Website:A complete design was necessary to refresh the layout, color scheme, typography, and overall aesthetic, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.

  • Enhance User Experience (UX)Simplifying navigation, streamlining content presentation, and incorporating intuitive user interface elements.


We addressed these issues with a comprehensive redesign and redevelopment process. We enhanced ESL Steel Limited’s website to improve user experience, functionality, and overall performance.

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