
A comprehensive website redesign for enhanced user experience and brand elevation for a key regional airport

Mia Goa Airport, a regional airport serving a growing city, recognised the need to enhance its online presence to improve user experience, communication, and overall brand perception. The airport management did so by investing in a comprehensive website redesign.


  • Mia Goa Airport did not have any online presence.

  • Their existing website was outdated, lacked functionality, and did not effectively serve the needs of passengers or stakeholders.


  • Website Redesign:We prioritised a user-centric approach, ensuring that every aspect, from design to content, could be managed entirely from the back end.

  • Enhance User Experience:We organised the website to streamline information for passengers, airlines, and other stakeholders.

  • Provide Real-time Information:We collaborated with flight data providers to integrate real-time flight information, including details on arrivals, departures, and delays.

  • Boost Brand Image:We revamped the visual identity and branding of Miao Gao Airport to reflect its modern facilities, efficiency, and commitment to customer satisfaction.

  • Multiple Form Integration:We released lost and found, inquiry, and feedback forms on our website for two-way communication.

  • Encrypted form data for better security: We bolstered security measures and instilled trust amongst users by leveraging advanced encryption methods to ensure sensitive information submitted through the forms remains confidential.


The revamped website design has not only enhanced user experience, improved accessibility, and boosted brand image but also significantly contributed to the airport's growth and success. It has met the immediate needs of passengers and established the airport as a modern and customer-centric facility.

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